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Ein Thema, eine Stunde, zwei Köpfe

Eine musikalische Stunde rund um ein Thema. Getreu unserem Motto "and now for something completely different" hört ihr Musik aus allen Sparten. Die Lieder haben nur eine Gemeinsamkeit: Es geht ums das gleiche Thema.

Angereichert mit kleinen Anekdoten erwartet euch jede Woche eine andere Reise durch die Welt der Musik.

"A splendid time is guaranteed for all!"


Mit der 112 ins Jahr 1 9 7 4

Artist Titel
Bobby Bland Ain´t no love in the heart of the city
Hot Chocolate Emma
Kashmere Stage Band Head wiggle
10cc The Wall Street Shuffle
Manuel Göttsching Echo waves
Frank Zappa Don´t eat yellow snow
Asha Puthill Right Down Here
Shankar Family & Friends Love Dance Ecstasy
Queen Killer Queen
Supertramp School
Gill Scott Heron The Bottle
Frank Sinatra Bad Boy Lee Roy Brown

Mit der 112 in das Jahr 1973

Artist Titel
Otto Waalkes TipToe through the tulips
Bob Dorough The Magic Number
Cymande Brothers on the slide
Udo Lindenberg Alles klar auf der Andrea Doria
Marvin Hamlish The Entertainer OST The Sting
Ofege Gbe mi lo
Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel Sebastian
The O´Jays Now that we found love
Wings Live and let die
Bob Marley Concrete Jungle
Billy Cobham Stratus
Elvis Presley My Way (Live - Aloha from Hawaii)

MIX 021224

Artist Titel
The Beatles Yer Blues
New Fossils Lato
Matters Unknown ft. Flavio Correa Race Against the Sun
Hypochondrische Ängste Real Authentic Berlin Street Love (Single-Edit)
Emilia Sisco Say yes
Can Trips Snake Skin
Tulgey Beat Purple Paths - Live in Berlin 11.10.2024
Mathias Schaffhäuser Fancy Grey
Mamman Sani & Tropikal Camel Toil, Swae & Sun
La Chooma Magic Planet
Trees Speak Time Fold
L´Orage For Jeanne
Black Sabbath Solitude

Mit der 112 ins Jahr 1972

Artist Titel
David Bowie Ziggy Stardurst
Stevie Wonder You ´ve got it bad girl
Paternoster Realization
Uve Schikora Oh Angela
Ofo the Black Company Alla Wakbarr
Neu! Hallogallo
Jimmy Cliff The Harder They Come
Neil Young The needle and the damage done
Chicago Saturday in the Park
The Just Brothers Sliced Tomatoes
Arlo Guthrie City of New Orleans
Elvis Presley Rubbernecking

Das Jahr 1971

Artist Titel
Led Zeppelin Going to California
Tom Jones She’s a Lady
The Doors Love her madly
Janis Joplin Me and Booby McGee
Ravi Shankar Bangla Dhun
George Harrison Bangla Desh Live
T. Rex Cosmic Dancer
Sly And The Family Stone A family affair
Al Green Let’s Stay together
John Lennon Imagine
Eric Donaldson Cherry Oh Baby
Deep Purple Fireball
Barbara & The Browns You don’t love me
Shirley Bassey Diamonds Are Forever


Artist Titel
Quincy Jones Soul Bossa Nova
Quincy Jones Feat. Amy Winehouse It’s my Party
Quincy Jones Dancin´ Pants
Quincy Jones Ai no corrida
Quincy Jones They Call Me Mr. Tibbs
George Benson Give me the night
Quincy Jones & Bill Cosby Hikky Burr
Quincy Jones Trouble on my mind
Quincy Jones Summer in the city
Quincy Jones & Bill Cosby Along Came Mr. Nobody (Ursula 1000 Remix)
Zaz Dans ma Paris
Quincy Jones I heard that
Frank Sinatra Fly me to the moon

Das Jahr 1970

Artist Titel
John Lennon Instant Karma! (We all shine on)
Black Sabbath Paranoid
CCR I heard it through the grapevine
Miles Davis Bitches Brew
The Spinners It’s a shame
Funkadelic I Got A Thing, You Got A Thing, Everybody's Got A Thing
Klaus Doldinger Tatort Thema
Frank Zappa Tell me you love me
Melodians Rivers of Babylon
The Beatles Across the universe
Elvis Presley Just can´t help believing

Grosse Gitarristen #1 :: JIMI HENDRIX

Artist Titel Album
Jimi Hendrix The Star spangled banner Live at Woodstock
Jimi Hendrix Little wing
Jimi Hendrix Freedom (Fernan Dust Funky Remix)
Jimi Hendrix Day Tripper
Jimi Hendrix Angel [alternate]
Jimi Hendrix Like a rolling stone Live Monterey
Jimi Hendrix Drifters Escape
Jimi Hendrix Rainy Day, dream away
Jimi Hendrix All along the watchtower (Streamer's Experienced Remix#
Jimi Hendrix Bleeding heart
Jimi Hendrix The Wind Cries Mary

MIX 211024

Artist Titel
Johnny Mandel Suicide is painless
Janko Nilovic, JJ Whitefield & Igor Zhukohsky Lost temple
Jazzamor Story of Elaine - Rework
Mathias Schaffhäuser Fancy Grey
The Allergies Let me hear you say
Krajenski Brasilia
Mamman Sani & Tropikal Camel Touareg Spaceship
Ezra Collective Palm wine
Dj Toner feat. Eric Truffaz Camina
Trees Speak Timefold
L´Orage For Jeanne
Yosui Inoue Anata Wo Rikai
New Fossils Billie
Mukatu Astatke & Hoodna Orchestra Major

Grosse Alben # 11 :: BLONDE ON BLONDE von BOB DYLAN

Artist Titel
Bob Dylan Rainy Day Women #12 & 35
Bob Dylan Visions of Johanna
Bob Dylan Most likely you go your way (and I go mine) Mark Ronson Re-Version
Bob Dylan Temporary like Achilles
Nina Simone Just like a woman
Double Dylans Ich Rettich
Wolfgang Ambros Früher oder später
Ximena Sariñana I Want You
Bob Dylan Stuck Inside of Mobile with the Memphis Blues Again


112 abonnieren


Montags 18.00 – 19.00 Uhr

Sendet seit

30. Okt. 2011


Frank Riethdorf
Rainer M. Walter

7 Tage plus

Mo., 10.02. | 18.00 - 19.00 Uhr