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Playlist HARTWURST-MASSAKER vom 03.09.2013

artist title label
gotthard yippie aye yay nuclear blast records
michael monroe tnt diet spinefarm records
revamp wildcard nuclear blast records
mystic prophecy killhammer massacre records
dark age nero afm records
orphaned land all for one century media records
saltatio mortis wachstum über alles napalm records
saltatio mortis krieg kennt keine sieger napalm records
rise against blind universal
reckless love bad lovin universal
whitesnake fool for your loving (live) frontiers
watain the wild hunt century media records
watain malfeitor seasons of mist
pentagram chile the apparition cyclone empire records
carcass captive bolt pistol nuclear blast records
facebreaker nuclear outbreak cyclone empire records
death zombie ritual century media records
immortal norden on fire nuclear blast records
dimmu borgir born treacherous nuclear blast records
entrails end of all existence fdr rekotz
morbid angel chapel of ghouls earache
evocation illusions of grandeur century media records
fleshcrawl fleshcult metal blade records
obituary slowly we rot roadrunner
bolt thrower for victory earache
artist title label
gotthard yippie aye yay nuclear blast records
michael monroe tnt diet spinefarm records
revamp wildcard nuclear blast records


03. Sep 2013 | 00:00